Friday, April 23, 2004

Going places

Today, Lauren decided to walk about 10 feet without help, without prompting, and without much pomp and circumstance. Does this mean that running is just around our corner? Maybe not for a few more days...

When we go on vacation in a few short months, I bet she'll be walking like crazy. Now that's a scary proposition. Walking in a town where I will know only 4 other people and they are family. Now is when I will have to be on my toes more than ever before. Fortunately, we aren't going someplace like Disney, at least not yet. We are starting with something smaller like Gatlinburg or Lake of the Ozarks. OH!! Then I have to worry about water and Lauren finding it and wanting to get in and........

Worrying gets you no where. Walking gets you everywhere. Just ask Lauren.

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