Thursday, May 17, 2007

The baptism of Jack

He was wonderful before church, smiling, happy, talking. Fast forward to 5 minutes before the actual baptism...crying that led to screaming and crying. Oh well. He's a baby and every mother in the congregation understood (so did the dad's I'm sure). After a quick snooze in my lap, he woke up in a great mood and the minister was able to carry him around and introduce him to the congregation and he smiled at all the right people and was quiet and it was perfect.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


4-28-07 055
Originally uploaded by The Joys of Motherhood.
Have you ever seen more beauty in one picture? I have seen lots of pictures over the years thanks to mother's business and I have NEVER seen anything that makes me happier, smile more or feel more like I have a very real purpose.