Saturday, March 13, 2004


Today we had our first public meltdown. We were at the store and Lauren, clever little devil that she is, decided that chewing on the strap, ment to hold in a baby, was the ideal chew-toy. (Kinda' makes her sound like a puppy. Sorry.) I disagreed. When I took it out of her hand the first time, I got an irritated grunt in return. As I did the second and third times. By the fourth time, I decided to unbuckle her, fasten the straps where she could not reach them and continue shopping. Little did I know that this was the breaking point for my normally wonderful shopper. She WAILED!! and Wailed and wailed!! I always wondered if parents were even the slightest bit concerned by what other shoppers think. Trust me. They are. But what do you do? I gave her something else to play with and all was well.
Truth be told, the meltdown was just a warm up for what is to come, but I will hopefully be ready...

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