Monday, May 31, 2004

New Wheels

It was bound to happen. A new stroller was always a thought on the horizon, and is now a reality. After looking at a few, we finally decided on a new Eddie Bauer stroller. It is lighter weight, has a nylon-y material for easier cleaning, a big basket and seems easy to steer. I hope we are happier with it than our old one. I also accosted a woman in the store with our exact new stroller and asked her opinion. She loved it.
I have decided in my year of parenting that no pregnant woman or father-to-be should be allowed to roam free among the stoller isle. At least not unassisted. Babies R Us is a great store with a fairly knowledgeable staff. Too many things seem appealing and nice and not enough seem realistic to the untrained, unassisted eye. Now, I feel better prepared to make this kind of decision.
I hope it's the right one...

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