Sunday, April 19, 2009

Name that park....

Originally uploaded by The Joys of Motherhood
Yesterday, all of the kids went to the park to play and enjoy the first really nice day in WEEKS! Also, the lion that used to be a water fountain and is now a trash receptacle/band aid holder/keeper of typhoid (I mean, have you seen that thing lately? EEK!) is still there, though I don't know why.
Jenna got to play for the first time and seemed to love the swing. We think it brought back memories of being a baby in her swing that she loved so much.
Jack is not a bit afraid of the big, red and white twisty slide. I, however, am.
Lauren was making rock angels. They are a lot like snow angels, but in the dirty rocks....anyway...
It was a gorgeous day spent with great kids!

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