Friday, February 20, 2009

And so it goes...

Jack is talking more and more everyday. Today he said, "Momma? Go over dere (there)? Please go now?" Wow! That's a lot of words strung together for a 2 yr. 2 1/2 mo. old. He is a very clear speaker. Reminds me of a little girl I know...

By the way, the talking at school is mostly under control, but she still is a bit chatty from time to time. No idea where she gets it though...Anyway, she is doing so well in school that I wonder if she is chatty due to lack of things to do. Case in point; she brought home a worksheet from school the other day and had it done in one minute and I am not kidding. Eighteen fill-ins and she was right on everyone. If she is doing work that quickly while she is at school, I know why she is talking. She's bored.

I know the school has to bring everyone up to the level where they need to be for 1st grade, but since half of her class DID attend preschool, why are these kids being made to do work that is beneath their ability? It seems unfair either way you look at it. On one hand, you wouldn't want to have the kid that is being left in the dust, on the other have Lauren and her equally qualified classmates in the high ability courses who are buzzing through the work and then getting bored.

What's a kindergartner to do?

More later...

1 comment:

Amy said...

One word... homeschooling! (Sorry, I HAD to say it! LOL!) I'm only half joking, though. It truly is the best of both worlds. There are so many classes, co-ops, and social opportunities available that she could be with other kids 7 days a week, and yet still be challenged academically by progressing at her own pace, taught with your family values, and have the time to pursue her own interests. (not to mention that you can set your own schedule and take vacations/field trips during the slowest times!) Yeah, I know it's a long-shot, but it's something to think about!