Monday, February 27, 2006

Saturday, February 25, 2006

2-25-06 035

2-25-06 035
Originally uploaded by The Joys of Motherhood.
Snow is so cold!

And so, we brought it in the house by the bowl full. She played, quite happily, for 45 minutes. She spooned it from one bowl to another using baby spoons, soup spoons and a play ice cream scoop.
Eventually, she started to get bored, so I suggested that we build a snowman. She wanted it to be for daddy's office, but I assured her a picture of it would be just as great. (The snowman was built last Saturday and it is still living in our freezer!)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Batter, batter, batter, SWING!

Guess what we are doing on Saturdays? She is on a t ball team that has boys and girls ages 3-6 (big age span!) and loves it, then hates it, then loves it again, then hates it more than you can imagine. She love to hit the ball, hates not chasing it after she hits it, loves running the bases, hates missing catching the ball if she is not fast enough or not paying attention, loves the variety of bat colors, hates wearing her glove while on the field. The list goes on and on. Enjoy this picture because yesterday during pictures, she would not participate.
Oh well.

Monday, February 13, 2006

2-13-06 066

2-13-06 066
Originally uploaded by The Joys of Motherhood.
Hail! Hail! The gang's all here!

We had our Valentine's Day party a day early today and Lauren and her friend's got lots of goodies to share and eat. She had a really good time. It amazes me to watch them all play, talk and share things. They are growing up so fast. Last year, we gave only cards, this year we did a craft, next year, who knows?
I love my Valentine!!!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

2-8-06 040

2-8-06 040
Originally uploaded by The Joys of Motherhood.
Happy Birthday!

Birthdays are a hot topic of discussion at our house. "My birfday's soon!" and then I ask her when it is and she tells me. I then try to tell her approximately how long it really is until her birthday which I am sure seem like an eternity to her. It's not been that long ago since I counted down to my birthday from Ground Hog's Day on. I often blamed that Ground Hog for how long it was taking for my birthday to get here, so I understand her need for a birthday and a party.
Lauren loves to party! Her ideal day is pizza pie followed by cake. Guess what we'll be having when she turns 3?
I want to tell her to hold on and not rush, but how do you tell a child that?

Friday, February 03, 2006


My nurse is finally sleeping. Sleep well!!!
What a cute nurse!

I was sick last night. I don't mean a little sick, I mean moaning, writhing sick. And Lauren didn't like it. Not one little bit. I cried. She cried. We cried. The night got longer for me just as she went to bed. Glad she went when she did. UGH!
This morning, she came into our room, as per usual, but this morning, she brought me a big pink bunny to make me feel better. Once I was out of bed, she sat next to me on the couch and said, "Momma, I know how you feel." I hope she doesn't. She patted my leg, laid her head on my shoulder and sighed. Bless her heart. She gave me kisses and patted my cheeks. She checked on me all day. She is very caring. And so sweet! She makes me feel better even when I feel really bad!