Sunday, December 05, 2010

Reopening this blog

We'll see if this is worth opening for public viewing. If it goes underground again, I'll get you the password.

So, Jack is going to be 4 on Wednesday. Where does time go? 10 weeks until Katherine gets here. Tuesday is Lauren's Christmas program. Santa is surely watching this house about now to see who has been naughty and who has been nice. Cat? Naughty. Dog? Nice. We had Jack's family party last night and he loved every minute of it! Even slept in his new house shoes. That kid loves Lightning McQueen!

More updates later....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pregnancy and new baby and start of school....OH MY!

SO...we are having yet another baby. This time in Feb., so I will have a fall, winter and spring baby. Rebecca just had Brylee, so with summer covered, we have babies for all seasons!

School starts Aug. 11 for the 2nd grader and Aug. 31 for the little one in preschool. I cannot believe it!

I am chairing membership for PTA again, so there's that...

More later...

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


We have had a lot of fun since my last, long ago, post. I had a birthday, Lauren had a birthday, we had our 11 yr. wedding anniversary, John had a birthday...We are very lucky!

School is almost over for the yr., then we will have a 2nd grader and that seems impossible. She has grown a lot this year as a student and as a kid. She reads now, she asks in depth math questions. She has a lot of interest in science. I am amazed by her.

Jack is enjoying his friends at school and loves his teachers.

Summer will be jam packed and fun and over before I blink!!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Going underground

Due to certain circumstances, I will be password protecting this blog from here on out.
I will let you know the password if you want to view the blog.



Thursday, March 04, 2010

Hello all (both) readers of my blog...

So, school is going well for Lauren, Jack and teaching is going well for me. We have been busy doing a variety of activities, including playing in the snow and waiting not so patiently for spring to arrive.

All of a sudden Jack and Lauren have REALLY grown a lot!

The kids have each gotten new bunk beds and like them, especially Lauren who goes from top to bottom bunk on opposite nights.

Lauren's birthday plan is in full effect. Mar. 27 is her (pseudo) sleepover and she is VERY excited to celebrate early. Jack insists it will be his birthday, too. Lauren is trying to be patient with him...

More later...