Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I just can't emphasize enough Lauren's needs!!

She NEEDS to be outside and "Pay basketball, pay colors Mommy!!" or "'Mon Mommy!! Bubbles!" When I even hint that we may need to go inside, even for just a minute, she throws herself onto the ground in protest.

The other day, I was leaving our house with Lauren in tow, and when we turned out onto a busy street, she said, and I am not making this up, "No Mommy! Wees other way!" Translation: 'Hey stupid, go to the park. I have told you all day I want to play outside, swing on the swings, play in the sand and now you are going to wrong way. Do I have to do everything?'

She is an outside, going, doing, finding, investigating, giggling, running, coloring, bubble blowing fiend. And I love her for it!!

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